Personal accounts of paranoia

Gavin, UK

aye was on alot of drugs like pills and was ah everyday dope smoker but aye stopt it all aye got really bad thoughts goingin throo my head 1 dqy aye can be fine then the next it all hits me hings av dun in the past r folk talkin about me aye get this alot still and aye suffer everyday really hate it need it 2 stop they say u will get better but aye keep gettin worse

Amber, UK

Well, what can I say? I am starting to believe that I genuinely suffer from one form of paranoia or the other. I started university last year and it has not been entirely easy, academically and socially. Although I have encountered feelings of anxiety and paranoia before in my life. If I am with a friend, who maybe has a closer friend with them who does not talk to me as much in the conversation, I always get the feeling that that other person does not want me around, or is slightly resentful of my presence. If someone I text does not text back, I assume it is because they do not want to talk to me, and just ignore or delete my text. I also feel they must be annoyed with me for bothering them, and wish I would leave them alone. Also that they are only being polite with me in a conversation and eagerly want to talk to someone else who shows up. When I am in shops or on the street, I presume they are watching me to see if I do something strange, so they can secretly laugh to themselves. Or if I have been in a group meeting, as soon as I walk away, they start making comments about how I acted. I also think people are going to make "look at loner/saddo" expressions when they see me on my own. I also panic and look to see if everyone else is with their friends. I really want to be happy and stop looking behind my back for threats. I also don't want to quit studying, and would like a job as an auxiliary nurse, as I do enjoy working with people on a professional level. I have one best friend and two or three other close friends, and people I talk to. However, I wonder if people pity me or think I am a loner because I do not go out clubbing or anything, and don't have more buddies. So do I suffer from paranoia, and/or low self-esteem? I really want to do something about this, and talk to someone professional who I can trust. But I am even afraid of a professional getting it wrong and putting me on a cocktail of drugs- which I don't want! I would rather talk. I'm scared that I am just selfish, and want everyone to like me or at least think I am alright.

Geoff, USA

i just turned 20. for a few years i have been having suspicious thoughts about friends and people i am close with. it started getting bad last year. anytime i go anywhere and people laugh i know there laughing about me, or when people look at me i feel like there plotting against me. i have two close friends and i constantly think they are talking about me behind my back, and i just lost my fiancee due to the fact i can never trust her and she says i have been emotionally abusing her, which most of the time i never even realized i did. im not quite sure what to do.

Russ, UK

my paranoid thoughts all seem to stem from my guilt over actions i have taken and things i have done wrong. i have been incarcerated in the past and now tried to move on with my life in a positive direction. i cannot be alone in someones house with just them, i feel im being set up. i dont like meeting people in public i feel im going to get kidnapped. i think at night people are going to break in and harm me and my family. i am being irrational but have had a gun pulled on me in the past when someone set me up for a car jack attempt, i managed to get away. its getting worse lately and i even feel my girlfriend is trying to set me up despite knowing that this is 100% not the case. i feel like an idiot

Margaret, UK

every night i am always having to check the doors and windows ect beause im scared that someone is going to break in and hurt my family my 6month baby especially i get horrible images in my head and bad dreams. i get so scared i have to set an alarm every night to check on my baby. when im desperate for the toilet i wont go im to scared to go downstairs unless my partner comes down with me. i also get paranoid about my partner cheating on me and always ask stupid querstions to him and i can see it frustrates him but i cant help it. i feel low and then start to get horrible thoughts in my head that he might be unfaithfull. this has all started since being pregnant and worsend after having my child. it has progressed due to things happened to my family,my partner going out and not coming home and people telling me my partner has been unfaithfull!! i can always tell when my partner is lying and he dosent seem o be lying when i ask him questions i just cant get it out of my head and it is really getting me down. and i just dont no what is wrong with me....