Protecting the health and safety of all gameChange trial participants and staff during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is of the utmost importance to us. Virtual Reality (VR) Specialist Andrew Goodsell demonstrates the process we are following to decontaminate the VR headset and controllers after use in order to reduce the risk of infection.



Decontaminating VR Equipment – Video Transcript.

[An orange-coloured title card is displayed that shows the gameChange Trial logo and title of the instructional video. The text on the cards updates at regular intervals like a slideshow presentation as the video progresses.]

Game Change.

Improving lives through VR therapy.



Duration: 7 minutes 30 seconds.

This video demonstrates how to decontaminate the HTC Vive Pro headset and controllers.

Video Contents.

12 seconds. List of materials.
35 seconds. Stage 1: Handwashing.
42 seconds. Stage 2: Unpacking Equipment.
1 minute and 16 seconds. Stage 3: Post-VR session tasks.
1 minute and 56 seconds. Stage 4: Cleaning.
6 minutes and 10 seconds. Stage 5: Disinfection.
6 minutes and 29 seconds. Stage 6: Waste disposal.
6 minutes and 40 seconds. Stage 7: Packing away equipment.
7 minutes and 15 seconds. Stage 8: Decontamination log.


Disposable face covers.

Disposable earphone covers.

[Images of disposable face and earphone covers are displayed.]

Disposable caps.

Removable face cushion.

[Images of a disposable cap and face cushion are displayed.]

Detergent wipes.

Disinfectant wipes.

Zeiss lens wipes.

[Images of cleaning wipes are displayed.]




Wash your hands before opening the bag and handling the headset and controllers.


[A video plays showing the HTC Vive Pro headset as it is removed from its case.]

Prepare the headset and controllers before starting the VR session.

Open the bag and remove the headset and controllers.

Remove the bag from the surface and close it. Do not leave any equipment bags open during the session.

STAGE 3 – After Session End.

Put on disposable gloves.

Open a waste bag for disposable items.

Place the headset and controllers on the surface.

Remove the face cushion.

[A video plays that demonstrates the removal of the earphone covers and face cushion from the headset.]

Remove the earphone covers and dispose of them in the waste bag.

Remove the face cushion.

STAGE 4 – Cleaning.

Clean the headset, controllers, and face cushion using detergent wipes.

Cleaning Stage.

[An image of the detergent wipe packet is displayed.]

Wipe down all of the surfaces using the detergent wipes.

Do not re-use wipes.

Wait for the headset to dry completely before disinfecting.

[A video plays that demonstrates the wiping of the surfaces of the headset.]

Wipe both sides of the head strap.

Inwards-facing foam and earphones.

Foam back band.

Head strap adjustment dial and surrounding plastic.

Cable cover and cable.

Both sides of the left and right nose rest flaps.

Front, top, bottom, and sides of the front surface.

Wait for all of the surfaces to dry.

This will take approximately 2 minutes.

[A time-lapse video plays showing the recently wiped headset drying. A digital counter appears above the headset. It displays minutes and seconds and increments at high speed, stopping at two minutes.]

Use the Zeiss lens wipes to clean the lenses.

[A video plays that demonstrates the wiping of the two headset lenses.]

Use the lens wipes to wipe both lenses.

[A video plays that demonstrates the wiping of a hand-held controller.]

Clean the controllers with detergent wipes.

Wipe from top to bottom. Pay close attention to the trigger and hand grips.

Wipe both sides of the wrist straps.

[A video plays that demonstrates the wiping of the face cushion.]

Clean the face cushion with detergent wipes.

Wipe both sides of the face cover.

[A video plays that demonstrates the wiping of the surface on which the cleaning has taken place.]

Clean the surface with detergent wipes.


Clean the headset, controllers, and face cushion using the disinfectant wipes.

[An image of the disinfectant wipe packets is shown.]

Disinfection Stage.

Wipe the headset, controllers, and face cover using the disinfectant wipes.

Do not re-use wipes and do not clean the lenses.

Wait for the headset to dry completely before continuing.


Wipe the surface with disinfectant wipes.

Dispose of any remaining waste including the gloves.

Double-bag the waste. This can be disposed of in any suitable domestic waste container.

Wash hands.


Wash your hands after removing the disposable gloves.


[A video plays that demonstrates the attachment of the face cushion to the head-mounted display.]

Reattach the face cushion and pack away the headset and controllers.

[A video plays that shows the headset and hand-held controllers being placed back into the storage case.]


Update the decontamination log assigned to the VR equipment.

[An image of a decontamination log is shown. There is a large table with 5 columns and many blank rows. The columns a named as follows: Column 1: ‘Date’, column 2: ‘Time’, column 3: ‘Staff name’, column 4: ‘Have the headset, controller, and face cushion been decontaminated?’, and column 5: ‘Notes’. Above the first column is an empty cell in which the identity number of the VR equipment can be entered.]